
Go up and never stop!

A Roundup on the “Anonymous Heroes of These Days”

3 June

The initiative we developed and implemented in partnership with KAIAMO was our way of rewarding the efforts of the “Anonymous Heroes of These Days”. At the end of the project, we took it a step further and built on it an entire campaign aiming to raise awareness over the fact that the fight against the coronavirus is not over yet and the rules still apply.
A while ago, the entire country was going through the first, and the most intense phase of the battle against the most contagious virus the world has dealt with in the past decades.  We did not want to stay aside and decided to support those involved in the first line of defense from the very beginning.
In partnership with the KAIAMO restaurant, we offered the authorities premium meals on a daily basis. The project was created as a part of the newly launched platform, #beameta, which is our way of supporting those who step outside their comfort zone for the welfare of others.
Besides the doctors, the authorities had a crucial role during the pandemic, as they helped stop the spread of the virus by making sure the citizens followed the rules imposed during the state of emergency.
Overall, we made it possible for KAIAMO to prepare a total of 7,000 dishes of food that were delivered for 25 days straight to the personnel of the local police, SMURD and border police. We started off the campaign by sponsoring the first 10 days, and the community picked up the pace and financed the project so it would go further. This way, the people who spent most of their time on duty for the community’s welfare were offered premium meals created by Chef Radu Ionescu, as a sign of gratitude for their struggle and hard work.
We firmly believe that the authorities are part of the ”Anonymous Heroes of These Days” and we wanted to support them and their hard work even further. We continued the project created with KAIAMO and developed it into an entire campaign aimed at rewarding the efforts of the authorities. The purpose was to raise awareness on the crucial role they have in our community, particularly in difficult times, how this affected the way citizens perceived their actions and how important it is to continue the work they began.
We directly tackled the reasons people have to hold a grudge against them, all of which are completely understandable. However, when considering the big picture, it is easy to see that all they really did was to keep us safe. You can find the entire campaign on our Instagram account.
The authorities did their job. Now it’s time we do ours and continue respecting the rules in order to keep everyone safe, including ourselves.